Get in Touch

The public forge

Visit the Orekit forge, the place to find all you may need to follow the project:

  • an issue tracker, to report bugs you encounter while using Orekit or to request new features,

  • the repository, to follow the Orekit development.

The forum

Questions and comments to the Orekit community can be posted on our forum.

Get Involved

Report issues

Be sure that we test the code before we release it. However, you might find something that isn't right. To report bugs please use our tracking system. And remember: the more information we get the easier we can reproduce and fix it.

Also, you might need some feature that isn't provided yet by Orekit. To ask for new features, submit a ticket to the tracking system or post a message on our forum.

Contribute code

If you're interested in contributing to the project, please create an account on our forum and join the discussions about ongoing development. Share your ideas and plans with us and prove your talent by submitting patches on our forum or attach them to the according tickets on our tracking system.

Contribute by other means

Documentation: you can also report bugs or lacks in the provided documentation (latest release Javadoc, development version Javadoc or technical documentation).

Translation: Orekit messages translation in all languages are welcome!