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[Orekit Users] DSST initialization

Dear Orekit users,


I am trying to use the DSST propagator but I have some questions about the correct usage.


I would like to use the DSST propagator to compute a mean orbital state starting from a perturbed orbital state like in the figure below (orange: mean eccentricity, blue: perturbed eccentricity).



In the following lines of code I would expect that dsst1 and dsst2 produce the same results for a propagation:



        State initialState;


        DSSTPropagator dsst1 = new DSSTPropagator(new DormandPrince853Integrator(minStep, maxStep, vecAbsoluteTolerance, vecRelativeTolerance),true);

        State mean = DSSTPropagator.computeMeanState(initialState, attitudeProvider, forceModels);

        dsst1.setInitialState(mean, false);


        DSSTPropagator dsst2 = new DSST(new DormandPrince853Integrator(minStep, maxStep, vecAbsoluteTolerance, vecRelativeTolerance),true);

        dsst2.setInitialState(initialState, true);



What is the expected behavior for the two propagators?



Kind Regards,

Raffaele Ferraro



Raffaele Ferraro
Flight Dynamics Engineer
SCISYS Deutschland GmbH
T:  +49 6151 4285315 | F:  +49 6151 4285399
E:  Raffaele.Ferraro@scisys.de | https://www.space.scisys.de
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