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[Orekit Users] Howto: Moving LLA Point Transformation?

I can do something like

            earthRefFrame = getItrfFrame();
            earth = new
            TopocentricFrame staF = new TopocentricFrame(earth, lla, "anon");
  PVCoordinates pv = staF.getTransformTo(frame,
dateTime).transformPVCoordinates(      PVCoordinates.ZERO);

to compute the position and velocity  in an arbitrary frame corresponding to a
GeodeticPoint lla.

However, suppose the point is moving in the geodetic frame. There does not
seem to be an analogous class to TopocentricFrame that allows for motion in
the local coordinate system.

Short of some numerical approximation (e.g. finite differences), how can I
compute the velocity in a new coordinate system of a point moving in LLA?
