2016-11-14  Stavor is released Open-Source

CS announces the immediate availability of its visualisation application Stavor as free software (released under the permissive open source license Apache v2.0).

Stavor allows to visualize the attitude and orbit information of a spacecraft in 2D or 3D views. The views are designed to help experts to understand fine parameters of the spacecraft state. To achieve this goal, Stavor provides classical views like a mercator projection with trajectory and visibility circles or a 3D view of the trajectory around its celestial body. But it also provides a 3D view dedicated to visualize attitude problems where celestial bodies are drawn around the spacecraft, with the possibility to display the evolution of many geometrical properties like angles between vectors or between planes.

Concerning technical aspects, Stavor is designed to work in new generation devices, mobile and tactile. Current version supports Android and future versions will support desktop and web based environments.


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