Class RinexHeader

  • public class RinexHeader
    extends Object
    Container for Rinex file header.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RinexHeader

        public RinexHeader​(double rinexVersion,
                           SatelliteSystem satelliteSystem,
                           String markerName,
                           String markerNumber,
                           String markerType,
                           String observerName,
                           String agencyName,
                           String receiverNumber,
                           String receiverType,
                           String receiverVersion,
                           String antennaNumber,
                           String antennaType,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D approxPos,
                           double antHeight,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D eccentricities,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D antRefPoint,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D antBSight,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D centerMass,
                           double interval,
                           AbsoluteDate tFirstObs,
                           AbsoluteDate tLastObs,
                           int clkOffset,
                           int leapSeconds)
        Simple constructor, for Rinex 2 Header.
        rinexVersion - rinex version
        satelliteSystem - Satellite System of the observation file (G/R/S/E/M)
        markerName - name of the antenna marker
        markerNumber - number of the antenna marker
        markerType - Type of Antenna marker
        observerName - name of the observer
        agencyName - name of the agency
        receiverNumber - number of the receiver
        receiverType - type of the receiver
        receiverVersion - version of the receiver
        antennaNumber - antenna number
        antennaType - type of the antenna
        approxPos - Approximate Marker Position (WGS84)
        antHeight - antenna height
        eccentricities - Eccentricities of antenna center
        antRefPoint - Position of antenna reference point for antenna on vehicle
        antBSight - Antenna B.Sight
        centerMass - Current center of mass of vehicle in body fixed coordinate system
        interval - Observation interval in seconds
        tFirstObs - Time of First observation record
        tLastObs - Time of last observation record
        clkOffset - Realtime-derived receiver clock offset
        leapSeconds - Number of leap seconds since 6-Jan-1980
      • RinexHeader

        public RinexHeader​(double rinexVersion,
                           SatelliteSystem satelliteSystem,
                           String markerName,
                           String markerNumber,
                           String markerType,
                           String observerName,
                           String agencyName,
                           String receiverNumber,
                           String receiverType,
                           String receiverVersion,
                           String antennaNumber,
                           String antennaType,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D approxPos,
                           double antHeight,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D eccentricities,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D antRefPoint,
                           String obsCode,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D antPhaseCenter,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D antBSight,
                           double antAzi,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D antZeroDir,
                           org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D centerMass,
                           String sigStrengthUnit,
                           double interval,
                           AbsoluteDate tFirstObs,
                           AbsoluteDate tLastObs,
                           int clkOffset,
                           List<RinexLoader.Parser.AppliedDCBS> listAppliedDCBS,
                           List<RinexLoader.Parser.AppliedPCVS> listAppliedPCVS,
                           List<RinexLoader.Parser.PhaseShiftCorrection> phaseShiftCorrections,
                           int leapSeconds,
                           int leapSecondsFuture,
                           int leapSecondsWeekNum,
                           int leapSecondsDayNum)
        Simple constructor, for Rinex 3 Header.
        rinexVersion - rinex version
        satelliteSystem - Satellite System of the observation file (G/R/S/E/M)
        markerName - name of the antenna marker
        markerNumber - number of the antenna marker
        markerType - Type of Antenna marker
        observerName - name of the observer
        agencyName - name of the agency
        receiverNumber - number of the receiver
        receiverType - type of the receiver
        receiverVersion - version of the receiver
        antennaNumber - antenna number
        antennaType - type of the antenna
        approxPos - Approximate Marker Position (WGS84)
        antHeight - antenna height
        eccentricities - Eccentricities of antenna center
        antRefPoint - Position of antenna reference point for antenna on vehicle
        obsCode - Observation code of the average phasecenter position w/r to antenna reference point
        antPhaseCenter - Antenna phasecenter
        antBSight - Antenna B.Sight
        antAzi - Azimuth of the zero direction of a fixed antenna
        antZeroDir - Zero direction of antenna
        centerMass - Current center of mass of vehicle in body fixed coordinate system
        sigStrengthUnit - Unit of the carrier to noise ratio observables
        interval - Observation interval in seconds
        tFirstObs - Time of First observation record
        tLastObs - Time of last observation record
        clkOffset - Realtime-derived receiver clock offset
        listAppliedDCBS - List of applied differential code bias corrections
        listAppliedPCVS - List of antenna center variation corrections
        phaseShiftCorrections - List of phase shift correction used to generate phases consistent w/r to cycle shifts
        leapSeconds - Number of leap seconds since 6-Jan-1980
        leapSecondsFuture - Future or past leap seconds
        leapSecondsWeekNum - Respective leap second week number
        leapSecondsDayNum - Respective leap second day number
    • Method Detail

      • getRinexVersion

        public double getRinexVersion()
        Get Rinex Version.
        rinex version of the file
      • getSatelliteSystem

        public SatelliteSystem getSatelliteSystem()
        Get Satellite System.
        satellite system of the observation file
      • getMarkerName

        public String getMarkerName()
        Get name of the antenna marker.
        name of the antenna marker
      • getMarkerNumber

        public String getMarkerNumber()
        Get number of the antenna marker.
        number of the antenna marker
      • getObserverName

        public String getObserverName()
        Get name of the observer.
        name of the observer
      • getAgencyName

        public String getAgencyName()
        Get name of the agency.
        name of the agency
      • getReceiverNumber

        public String getReceiverNumber()
        Get the number of the receiver.
        number of the receiver
      • getReceiverType

        public String getReceiverType()
        Get the type of the receiver.
        type of the receiver
      • getReceiverVersion

        public String getReceiverVersion()
        Get the version of the receiver.
        version of the receiver
      • getAntennaNumber

        public String getAntennaNumber()
        Get the number of the antenna.
        number of the antenna
      • getAntennaType

        public String getAntennaType()
        Get the type of the antenna.
        type of the antenna
      • getApproxPos

        public org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D getApproxPos()
        Get the Approximate Marker Position.
        Approximate Marker Position
      • getAntennaHeight

        public double getAntennaHeight()
        Get the antenna height.
        height of the antenna
      • getEccentricities

        public org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D getEccentricities()
        Get the eccentricities of antenna center.
        Eccentricities of antenna center
      • getClkOffset

        public int getClkOffset()
        Get the realtime-derived receiver clock offset.
        realtime-derived receiver clock offset
      • getInterval

        public double getInterval()
        Get the observation interval in seconds.
        Observation interval in seconds
      • getTFirstObs

        public AbsoluteDate getTFirstObs()
        Get the time of First observation record.
        Time of First observation record
      • getTLastObs

        public AbsoluteDate getTLastObs()
        Get the time of last observation record.
        Time of last observation record
      • getLeapSeconds

        public int getLeapSeconds()
        Get the Number of leap seconds since 6-Jan-1980.
        Number of leap seconds since 6-Jan-1980
      • getMarkerType

        public String getMarkerType()
        Get type of the antenna marker.
        type of the antenna marker
      • getAntennaReferencePoint

        public org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D getAntennaReferencePoint()
        Get the position of antenna reference point for antenna on vehicle.
        Position of antenna reference point for antenna on vehicle
      • getObservationCode

        public String getObservationCode()
        Get the observation code of the average phasecenter position w/r to antenna reference point.
        Observation code of the average phasecenter position w/r to antenna reference point
      • getAntennaPhaseCenter

        public org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D getAntennaPhaseCenter()
        Get the antenna phasecenter.
        Antenna phasecenter
      • getAntennaBSight

        public org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D getAntennaBSight()
        Get the antenna B.Sight.
        Antenna B.Sight
      • getAntennaAzimuth

        public double getAntennaAzimuth()
        Get the azimuth of the zero direction of a fixed antenna.
        Azimuth of the zero direction of a fixed antenna
      • getAntennaZeroDirection

        public org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D getAntennaZeroDirection()
        Get the zero direction of antenna.
        Zero direction of antenna
      • getCenterMass

        public org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D getCenterMass()
        Get the current center of mass of vehicle in body fixed coordinate system.
        Current center of mass of vehicle in body fixed coordinate system
      • getSignalStrengthUnit

        public String getSignalStrengthUnit()
        Get the unit of the carrier to noise ratio observables.
        Unit of the carrier to noise ratio observables
      • getLeapSecondsFuture

        public int getLeapSecondsFuture()
        Get the future or past leap seconds.
        Future or past leap seconds
      • getLeapSecondsWeekNum

        public int getLeapSecondsWeekNum()
        Get the respective leap second week number.
        Respective leap second week number
      • getLeapSecondsDayNum

        public int getLeapSecondsDayNum()
        Get the respective leap second day number.
        Respective leap second day number
      • getListAppliedDCBS

        public List<RinexLoader.Parser.AppliedDCBS> getListAppliedDCBS()
        Get the list of applied differential code bias corrections.
        list of applied differential code bias corrections
      • getListAppliedPCVS

        public List<RinexLoader.Parser.AppliedPCVS> getListAppliedPCVS()
        Get the list of antenna center variation corrections.
        List of antenna center variation corrections
      • getPhaseShiftCorrections

        public List<RinexLoader.Parser.PhaseShiftCorrection> getPhaseShiftCorrections()
        Get the list of phase shift correction used to generate phases consistent w/r to cycle shifts.
        List of phase shift correction used to generate phases consistent w/r to cycle shifts