Interface Propagator

    • Field Detail


        static final AttitudeProvider DEFAULT_LAW
        Default attitude provider.

        static final int EPHEMERIS_GENERATION_MODE
        Indicator for ephemeris generation mode.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • setMasterMode

        void setMasterMode​(double h,
                           OrekitFixedStepHandler handler)
        Set the propagator to master mode with fixed steps.

        This mode is used when the user needs to have some custom function called at the end of each finalized step during integration. The (master) propagator integration loop calls the (slave) application callback methods at each finalized step.

        h - fixed stepsize (s)
        handler - handler called at the end of each finalized step
        See Also:
        setSlaveMode(), setMasterMode(OrekitStepHandler), setEphemerisMode(), getMode(), MASTER_MODE
      • setEphemerisMode

        void setEphemerisMode​(OrekitStepHandler handler)
        Set the propagator to ephemeris generation mode with the specified handler for each integration step.

        This mode is used when the user needs random access to the orbit state at any time between the initial and target times, as well as access to the steps computed by the integrator as in Master Mode. A typical example is the implementation of search and iterative algorithms that may navigate forward and backward inside the propagation range before finding their result.

        Beware that since this mode stores all intermediate results, it may be memory intensive for long integration ranges and high precision/short time steps.

        handler - handler called at the end of each finalized step
        See Also:
        setEphemerisMode(), getGeneratedEphemeris(), setSlaveMode(), setMasterMode(double, OrekitFixedStepHandler), setMasterMode(OrekitStepHandler), getMode(), EPHEMERIS_GENERATION_MODE
      • getInitialState

        SpacecraftState getInitialState()
        Get the propagator initial state.
        initial state
      • resetInitialState

        void resetInitialState​(SpacecraftState state)
        Reset the propagator initial state.
        state - new initial state to consider
      • addAdditionalStateProvider

        void addAdditionalStateProvider​(AdditionalStateProvider additionalStateProvider)
        Add a set of user-specified state parameters to be computed along with the orbit propagation.
        additionalStateProvider - provider for additional state
      • getAdditionalStateProviders

        List<AdditionalStateProvider> getAdditionalStateProviders()
        Get an unmodifiable list of providers for additional state.
        providers for the additional states
      • isAdditionalStateManaged

        boolean isAdditionalStateManaged​(String name)
        Check if an additional state is managed.

        Managed states are states for which the propagators know how to compute its evolution. They correspond to additional states for which an additional state provider has been registered by calling the addAdditionalStateProvider method. If the propagator is an integrator-based propagator, the states for which a set of additional equations has been registered by calling the addAdditionalEquations method are also counted as managed additional states.

        Additional states that are present in the initial state but have no evolution method registered are not considered as managed states. These unmanaged additional states are not lost during propagation, though. Their value will simply be copied unchanged throughout propagation.

        name - name of the additional state
        true if the additional state is managed
      • getManagedAdditionalStates

        String[] getManagedAdditionalStates()
        Get all the names of all managed states.
        names of all managed states
      • getAttitudeProvider

        AttitudeProvider getAttitudeProvider()
        Get attitude provider.
        attitude provider
      • setAttitudeProvider

        void setAttitudeProvider​(AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
        Set attitude provider.
        attitudeProvider - attitude provider
      • getFrame

        Frame getFrame()
        Get the frame in which the orbit is propagated.

        The propagation frame is the definition frame of the initial state, so this method should be called after this state has been set, otherwise it may return null.

        frame in which the orbit is propagated
        See Also:
      • propagate

        SpacecraftState propagate​(AbsoluteDate target)
        Propagate towards a target date.

        Simple propagators use only the target date as the specification for computing the propagated state. More feature rich propagators can consider other information and provide different operating modes or G-stop facilities to stop at pinpointed events occurrences. In these cases, the target date is only a hint, not a mandatory objective.

        target - target date towards which orbit state should be propagated
        propagated state
      • propagate

        SpacecraftState propagate​(AbsoluteDate start,
                                  AbsoluteDate target)
        Propagate from a start date towards a target date.

        Those propagators use a start date and a target date to compute the propagated state. For propagators using event detection mechanism, if the provided start date is different from the initial state date, a first, simple propagation is performed, without processing any event computation. Then complete propagation is performed from start date to target date.

        start - start date from which orbit state should be propagated
        target - target date to which orbit state should be propagated
        propagated state