Class OceanLoadingCoefficientsBlqParser

  • public class OceanLoadingCoefficientsBlqParser
    extends Object
    Parser for ocean loading coefficients, using Onsala Space Observatory files in BLQ format.

    Files in BLQ format can be generated using the form at the Bos-Scherneck web site, selecting BLQ as the output format.

    The sites names are extracted from the file content, not the file name, because the file can contain more than one station. As we expect existing files may have been stripped from headers and footers, we do not attempt to parse them. We only parse the series of 7 lines blocks starting with the lines with the station names and their coordinates and the 6 data lines that follows. Several such blocks may appear in the file. Copy-pasting the entire mail received from OSO after completing the web site form works, as intermediate lines between the 7 lines blocks are simply ignored.

    Luc Maisonobe
    See Also:
    OceanLoadingCoefficients, OceanLoading
    • Constructor Detail

      • OceanLoadingCoefficientsBlqParser

        public OceanLoadingCoefficientsBlqParser()
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public List<OceanLoadingCoefficients> parse​(DataSource source)
        Parse a BLQ file.

        Files in BLQ format can be generated using the form at the Bos-Scherneck web site, selecting BLQ as the output format.

        when completing the web site form, the email received as the following form:

         $$ Ocean loading displacement
         $$ Calculated on holt using olfg/olmpp of H.-G. Scherneck
         $$ COLUMN ORDER:  M2  S2  N2  K2  K1  O1  P1  Q1  MF  MM SSA
         $$ ROW ORDER:
         $$ AMPLITUDES (m)
         $$   RADIAL
         $$   TANGENTL    EW
         $$   TANGENTL    NS
         $$ PHASES (degrees)
         $$   RADIAL
         $$   TANGENTL    EW
         $$   TANGENTL    NS
         $$ Displacement is defined positive in upwards, South and West direction.
         $$ The phase lag is relative to Greenwich and lags positive. The
         $$ Gutenberg-Bullen Greens function is used. In the ocean tide model the
         $$ deficit of tidal water mass has been corrected by subtracting a uniform
         $$ layer of water with a certain phase lag globally.
         $$ Complete <model name> : No interpolation of ocean model was necessary
         $$ <model name>_PP       : Ocean model has been interpolated near the station
         $$                         (PP = Post-Processing)
         $$ Ocean tide model: CSR4.0, long-period tides from FES99
         $$ END HEADER
         $$ Complete CSR4.0_f
         $$ Computed by OLFG, H.-G. Scherneck, Onsala Space Observatory 2017-Sep-28
         $$ Goldstone,                 RADI TANG  lon/lat:  243.1105   35.4259    0.000
           .00130 .00155 .00064 .00052 .01031 .00661 .00339 .00119 .00005 .00002 .00003
           .00136 .00020 .00024 .00004 .00322 .00202 .00106 .00036 .00007 .00003 .00001
           .00372 .00165 .00082 .00045 .00175 .00113 .00057 .00022 .00004 .00002 .00003
             -2.7 -106.3  -62.6 -106.8   41.6   27.3   40.4   24.0 -119.1 -123.2 -169.7
           -145.3  -88.4  178.5  -66.3 -130.5 -145.3 -131.7 -148.7  124.3  139.6   23.3
             90.7  111.1   74.1  111.3  176.9  165.3  175.8  164.0   48.9   25.3    4.5
         $$ CSR4.0_f_PP ID: 2017-09-28 15:01:14
         $$ Computed by OLMPP by H G Scherneck, Onsala Space Observatory, 2017
         $$ Onsala,                    RADI TANG  lon/lat:   11.9264   57.3958    0.000
           .00344 .00121 .00078 .00031 .00189 .00116 .00064 .00004 .00090 .00048 .00041
           .00143 .00035 .00035 .00008 .00053 .00051 .00018 .00009 .00013 .00006 .00007
           .00086 .00023 .00023 .00006 .00029 .00025 .00010 .00008 .00003 .00001 .00000
            -64.6  -50.3  -95.0  -53.1  -58.8 -152.4  -65.5 -133.8    9.8    5.8    2.1
             85.4  115.2   56.7  114.7   99.5   15.9   94.2  -10.0 -166.3 -169.8 -177.7
            110.7  147.1   93.9  148.6   49.4  -56.5   34.8 -169.9  -35.3   -3.7   10.1
         $$ END TABLE

        We only parse blocks 7 lines blocks starting with the lines with the station names and their coordinates and the 6 data lines that follows. Several such blocks may appear in the file.

        source - source for BLQ data
        parsed coefficients