Version 6.1 is a minor release of Orekit. It introduces several new features and bug fixes.
The most important features introduced in version 6.1 are:
solid tides force model, including pole tide at user choice, and following either IERS 1996, IERS 2003 or IERS 2010 conventions
ocean tides force model, including pole tide at user choice, loading a user provided model
simultaneous support for IERS 1996, 2003 and 2010 for frames definition, which is very important to support legacy systems and to convert coordinates between older and newer reference systems
greatly improved accuracy of celestial/terrestrial frames transforms (we are now at sub-micro arcsecond level for IERS 2003/2010, both with equinox based and Non-Rotating Origin, at a sub-milli arcseconds for IERS 1996, both with equinox based and Non-Rotating Origin)
classical equinox-based paradigm and new non-rotating origin paradigm for inertial and terrestrial frames are now supported with all IERS conventions
automatic conversion of IERS Earth Orientation Paramters from equinoxial to non-rotating paradigm
support for CCSDS Orbit Data Message
improved API for events, allowing separation of event detection and event handling (the older API is still available for compatibility)
merged all the elevation related events, allowing to use both refraction model and antenna mask at the same time if desired
new attitude mode based on interpolation on a table
Numerous bugs were also fixed.
Version 6.1 depends on version 3.2 of Apache commons math.
We want to thank everyone who has contributed to this release.
News summary