Class NiellMappingFunctionModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NiellMappingFunctionModel
    extends Object
    implements TroposphereMappingFunction
    The Niell Mapping Function model for radio wavelengths. This model is an empirical mapping function. It only needs the values of the station latitude, height and the date for the computations.

    With this model, the hydrostatic mapping function is time and latitude dependent whereas the wet mapping function is only latitude dependent.

    Bryan Cazabonne
    See Also:
    "A. E. Niell(1996), Global mapping functions for the atmosphere delay of radio wavelengths, J. Geophys. Res., 101(B2), pp. 3227–3246, doi: 10.1029/95JB03048."
    • Method Detail

      • mappingFactors

        public double[] mappingFactors​(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates,
                                       GeodeticPoint point,
                                       PressureTemperatureHumidity weather,
                                       AbsoluteDate date)
        This method allows the computation of the hydrostatic and wet mapping functions. The resulting element is an array having the following form:
        • double[0] = mh(e) → hydrostatic mapping function
        • double[1] = mw(e) → wet mapping function
        Specified by:
        mappingFactors in interface TroposphereMappingFunction
        trackingCoordinates - tracking coordinates of the satellite
        point - station location
        weather - weather parameters
        date - current date
        a two components array containing the hydrostatic and wet mapping functions.
      • mappingFactors

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T[] mappingFactors​(FieldTrackingCoordinates<T> trackingCoordinates,
                                                                      FieldGeodeticPoint<T> point,
                                                                      FieldPressureTemperatureHumidity<T> weather,
                                                                      FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date)
        This method allows the computation of the hydrostatic and wet mapping functions. The resulting element is an array having the following form:
        • T[0] = mh(e) → hydrostatic mapping function
        • T[1] = mw(e) → wet mapping function
        Specified by:
        mappingFactors in interface TroposphereMappingFunction
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the elements
        trackingCoordinates - tracking coordinates of the satellite
        point - station location
        weather - weather parameters
        date - current date
        a two components array containing the hydrostatic and wet mapping functions.