Class FieldLongitudeCrossingDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldLongitudeCrossingDetector

        public FieldLongitudeCrossingDetector​(T maxCheck,
                                              T threshold,
                                              OneAxisEllipsoid body,
                                              double longitude)
        Build a detector.
        maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
        threshold - convergence threshold (s)
        body - body on which the longitude is defined
        longitude - longitude to be crossed
      • FieldLongitudeCrossingDetector

        protected FieldLongitudeCrossingDetector​(FieldAdaptableInterval<T> maxCheck,
                                                 T threshold,
                                                 int maxIter,
                                                 FieldEventHandler<T> handler,
                                                 OneAxisEllipsoid body,
                                                 double longitude)
        Protected constructor with full parameters.

        This constructor is not public as users are expected to use the builder API with the various withXxx() methods to set up the instance in a readable manner without using a huge amount of parameters.

        maxCheck - maximum checking interval
        threshold - convergence threshold (s)
        maxIter - maximum number of iterations in the event time search
        handler - event handler to call at event occurrences
        body - body on which the longitude is defined
        longitude - longitude to be crossed
    • Method Detail

      • getBody

        public OneAxisEllipsoid getBody()
        Get the body on which the geographic zone is defined.
        body on which the geographic zone is defined
      • getLongitude

        public double getLongitude()
        Get the fixed longitude to be crossed (radians).
        fixed longitude to be crossed (radians)
      • g

        public T g​(FieldSpacecraftState<T> s)
        Compute the value of the detection function.

        The value is the longitude difference between the spacecraft and the fixed longitude to be crossed, with some sign tweaks to ensure continuity. These tweaks imply the increasing flag in events detection becomes irrelevant here! As an example, the longitude of a prograde spacecraft will always increase, but this g function will increase and decrease so it will cross the zero value once per orbit, in increasing and decreasing directions on alternate orbits. If eastwards and westwards crossing have to be distinguished, the velocity direction has to be checked instead of looking at the increasing flag.

        s - the current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
        longitude difference between the spacecraft and the fixed longitude, with some sign tweaks to ensure continuity