Class EstimatedModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    TroposphericModel, ParameterDriversProvider

    public class EstimatedModel
    extends Object
    implements TroposphericModel
    An estimated tropospheric model. The tropospheric delay is computed according to the formula:

    δ = δh * mh + (δt - δh) * mw


    • δh: Tropospheric zenith hydro-static delay.
    • δt: Tropospheric total zenith delay.
    • mh: Hydro-static mapping function.
    • mw: Wet mapping function.

    The mapping functions mh(e) and mw(e) are computed thanks to a model initialized by the user. The user has the possibility to use several mapping function models for the computations: the Global Mapping Function, or the Niell Mapping Function

    The tropospheric zenith delay δh is computed empirically with a tropospheric model while the tropospheric total zenith delay δt is estimated as a ParameterDriver, hence the wet part is the difference between the two.

    • Field Detail


        public static final String TOTAL_ZENITH_DELAY
        Name of the parameter of this model: the total zenith delay.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • EstimatedModel

        public EstimatedModel​(double h0,
                              double t0,
                              double p0,
                              TroposphereMappingFunction model,
                              double totalDelay)
        Build a new instance using the given environmental conditions.

        This constructor uses a ModifiedSaastamoinenModel for the hydrostatic contribution.

        h0 - altitude of the station [m]
        t0 - the temperature at the station [K]
        p0 - the atmospheric pressure at the station [mbar]
        model - mapping function model.
        totalDelay - initial value for the tropospheric zenith total delay [m]
      • EstimatedModel

        public EstimatedModel​(TroposphericModel hydrostatic,
                              TroposphereMappingFunction model,
                              double totalDelay)
        Build a new instance using the given environmental conditions.
        hydrostatic - model for hydrostatic component
        model - mapping function model.
        totalDelay - initial value for the tropospheric zenith total delay [m]
      • EstimatedModel

        public EstimatedModel​(TroposphereMappingFunction model,
                              double totalDelay)
        Build a new instance using a standard atmosphere model.
        • altitude: 0m
        • temperature: 18 degree Celsius
        • pressure: 1013.25 mbar
        model - mapping function model.
        totalDelay - initial value for the tropospheric zenith total delay [m]